Medium size tree with a short, thorny trunk. Casts a light, filtered shade with its lose open crown. This is a straight species Honeylocust that will produce seed pods and thorns. Native Americans ate the fleshy sweet pulp of the young pods, and the pods and inner bark have been used medicinally in the past. Excellent fodder for farm animals and wildlife alike. A “pioneer” or early colonizing species, one of the first kinds of trees to become established in disturbed landscapes such as old fields and pastures that are reverting back to forest.
Fun fact
The Baltimore City Champion Honeylocust tree was measured in 2017 at 74' tall and wide. It is located across Art Museum Drive from Harriet Tubman Grove.
The plant is 12" tall in a 2 gallon pot.
Terms and Conditions
- I agree to plant this tree in Baltimore City on my property/with permission from property owner within two weeks of the giveaway date.
- I understand that by accepting this tree, I agree to allow TreeBaltimore to map and monitor the health of your tree as part of their tree giveaway survive-ability study.
- This website is intended to provide general information only. Always seek the advice of a health professional before eating any plant matter. Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, or injury. Always consult a health care professional or medical doctor when suffering from any health ailment, disease, illness, or injury, or before attempting any traditional or folk remedies. As with any natural product, they can be toxic if misused.