As of July 2018 the City of Baltimore has completed data collection for the Forestry Division’s first ever citywide street tree and park tree inventory. The tree inventory includes trees and vacant planting sites under the jurisdiction and responsibility of the Forestry Division, specifically all street trees within the public city street right-of-way, and all trees within the maintained areas of City Parks under the Department of Recreation and Parks. The tree inventory data collection spanned two years, during the leaf-on season. At the time of completion the inventory included over 122,000 trees, and approximately 40,000 vacant planting sites. This data will reveal the total quantity, spatial distribution, species composition, and condition of these trees. This will enable the Forestry Division to perform strategic planning and shift some reactive operations to more efficient proactive and rotational operations for both maintenance and planting.
The tree inventory data is available for anyone to view through our online web map.